The Jolly Postman
Book #12
The Jolly Postman
Janet and Allan Ahlberg
I vividly remember reading this book as a child. By the time we moved on to bigger books the pages were well worn and had a few minor tears. And even though we pretty much had the book memorized we were still excited to pull the letters out of the envelops and occasionally fought about who’s turn it was next. I recently read it to my kids for the first time and they were so excited! I had a brief flashback to my living room when the four of us would crowd around the book. They couldn’t wait to hear more and pulling the letter out each time was like opening a present.
There are 6 letters to open including one from Goldilocks to the Three Bears and another from Jack to the Giant. Your children will be familiar with the characters as they are in classic fairytales.
ACTIVITY: Write a letter! I’m sure your kids are like mine, they love receiving mail with their names on the outside. Finally, something just for them!