Book #8
Maira Kalman
A friend and I were recently discussing how to talk about tragic events with our young children. I used to teach a class to a group of homeschoolers and when we covered 9/11 in our timeline I read my students this book. This book does a great job of mentioning the event and the sadness that surrounded it but also does a wonderful job of focusing on all the courageous people that stepped up and helped others.
There are many other wonderful picture books that discuss difficult topics and tragic events in our history. My suggestion is to find a picture book, even if your kids are a little older. We use this technique for wars, deaths, segregation, inequality and important people. The topic is approached from both storytelling and educational aspects. Picture books do a wonderful job of showing our children the past but also don't involve too many disturbing details that would be too much for their little hearts.
ACTIVITY: As holidays, events and important dates approach throughout the year, stop at the library and pick up a couple picture books.