Chickens & Tractors
There is an appeal to country life. I think most people have felt it before, when they stop and ask themselves, “Could we do this?”
We spent the weekend at my cousins house in the country. On the drive up to the house, my husband said, “It’s so peaceful here.” Fall colors so rich it felt as though we were in a painting. Rolling hills. Farmhouses peeking through the trees.
Moments before arriving we received a text from them, “Watch out for the chickens!” We all laughed as we pulled into their driveway, waiting to see the white, brown and black chickens.
We all needed a change of scenery. With canceled vacations and no plans in the coming months we really needed to get away. We are blessed to be surrounded by woods and our kids spend their days running in and out of them. That being said, we were all feeling a little cramped and needed to change things up.
The moment we parked the car the kids were gone. Chasing chickens, collecting eggs, driving the tractor, running around the property. We started a fire and sat around it catching up with my cousin and her husband. Our shoulders relaxed, we took deep breaths and smiled at the simplicity of our “vacation”.
My youngest adopted the chickens as his new pets, my oldest rode the tractor for hours, and my middle child played with her sister cousin. She is surrounded by a lot of boys so she looks forward to spending time with her girl cousin. The kids were off on their own, the adults had time for themselves.
I can’t go any further until I discuss my cousins gardening and cooking skills. She amazes me and I admire her love of providing home grown food for her family and serving mouth watering food at every meal. Pair that with a lovely and comfortable guest room, I truly felt like I was at a Bed and Breakfast.
The wine flowed, the laughter was contagious and everyone breathed fresh air. We all felt the change of energy. We needed this time away from our normal daily routine. My 8 year old asked if we could move to the country. My response, “I already booked our room for next weekend!”