Book #1
Written by Alice McLerran
Illustrated by Barbara Cooney
My first post! You might be thinking, "Why start with this book?" For me, this was a no brainer. Although my home library consists of hundreds of children's books, this one for me, is a perfect illustration of a childhood that all children (and their parents) wish for them. I had many memories similar to the one told in this book. My siblings and I used to make forts in the woods behind our house. We used whatever we could find to add rooms to our "house". We would spend hours in the woods in the summer time, only to come in when we heard my dad whistle that it was time for dinner. An absolute favorite childhood memory! No tv, no new toys, just nature and our imagination.
The author, Alice, had this to say. "Children often ask me how I started being a writer, and I tell them: by loving stories. My mother made up stories at bedtime, and my grandmother was a story-teller as well. I always read, and read, and read."
She has written many other beloved children's books, click on the link to her website to see a list.
The author, Barbara Cooney, is extremely well known, and for good reason. She has beautifully written/illustrated over 100 children's books. She will be featured a lot here as we love her dearly.
ACTIVITY: Have your kids and friends/neighbors create a town. They can decide what stores to have, how to build their houses and who is the mayor (who of course has to win the election).